Tag: gratitude

  • Deconstructing a wedding dress

    I imagine many women will gasp at the thought of cutting up a perfectly good wedding dress that likely cost quite a bit. Many of you know that I am part of an organization called Tiny Hearts Angel Gowns, where volunteer seamstresses turn donated wedding dresses into small wee gowns for babies who don’t come […]

  • Of Poppies, Denise and Joy

    April the 5th next month will mark the one year of my sister Denise’s passing. Much has happened since then, and although we’ve managed well through the various celebrations, all with much remembering, some tears and many smiles, there are still days that pull me into the grieving bubble. I feel it’s a bubble because it […]

  • COMPASSION… to love together with.

    According to Wikipedia Compassion means “to love together with.”  What a beautiful way to describe that word – Compassion. When I think about compassion, I think about helping others who need emotional, spiritual or physical support. But how much more beautiful does “Love together with” seems to be than just being of support. Compassion requires […]

  • Keeping his spirit alive

    January 21, 1970 – I don’t remember much about the actual day other than my brother Paul and I were in our big bed with my sister Monique who was asked to tell us about Dad’s passing. I can’t remember if Mom was in the house, or at the hospital but I remember the actual […]

  • The Ripples of our Actions

    Perhaps you have heard of the butterfly effect The name of the effect is derived from the metaphorical example of the details of a hurricane (exact time of formation, exact path taken) being influenced by minor perturbations such as the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several weeks earlier. I truly believe that our actions create reactions, […]